Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Cyrus cd8 se2 skipping and disc read problems, DIY laser unit replacement

Ok, so I had some issues with my Cyrus cd8 se2 (factory upgraded by Cyrus from SE to SE2 unit)
The player didnt read all discs properly and it was skipping with some tracks. I've read about similar experiences on the web about Cyrus cd players.

Cyrus repair would have cost 250£, not including the postage overseas.
I ordered a replament Laser unit from Ebay, which cost 20£ and did seem to do the trick. Skipping issues are gone. The do-it-yourself repair took about 5minutes to complete after I found the proper instructions from the laser units distributor.

The exact model of the laser unit for the Cyrus cd8 se and se2 is SF-HD850. Apparently its a dvd-laser unit made by Sanyo.

Cyrus claims on their website that "Cyrus took the unique move of throwing that software out of the window and creating our own disc reading technology. All of our CD players now use our second generation servo software which provides audible improvements to the reading of CDs." Ok, maybe it has something more to do with the software and not so much on the laser unit.

Here is the link to the sd-hd850 product page:


This install manual shows the location of the "desolder point"

And some images of the laser replacement:

Unit upside down, begin by removing 4 screws, yep, thats a t10 torx head.

Remove the small screw holding the "power" pcb card in place. Above the motor.

You need to carefully remove the small plastic clip holding the large white gear in place. Pull the gear up.

The laser unit is attached to two metal shafts. Unscrew the two small screws holding the shaft in place, you only need to remove the shaft on one side and the laser unit comes off pretty easily.

Remove the cable carefully, it is held in place with the black plastic tab. Note the orientation.

Impotant: The new laser unit will not work unless your remove the solder dot on the new unit. Compare the old unit to the old one. The place is marked on the pdf link.

This should work, atleast did work on my cd player.


  1. I would definitely try something simple first before sending it for repairs or opening it up: try running it in properly.
    After not using my CD8 SE2 for half a year or so I got extremely frustrated when using it again because of frequent skipping on pretty much any CD I fed it. This is what worked for me. Make sure the CD player is placed on a stable horizontal surface. Then run it in with as many different CDs as possible. After 10 CDs the skipping got less. Now, about a 100 CDs later, I havent had a single skip in the past 15 CDs or so. This player sounds phenomenal.

    1. Did sell mine after a while. It is a great sounding player

  2. Hi, I bought mine a few months ago on Ebay used, CD8SE.
    It has similar issues and I have made sure its flat, used with a new cyrus one amp. When it works it sounds great, I am going to try this repair as its very frustrating, can you explain what the "de-soldering" actually means please? just heat up until they go or join together? thanks for the post. Andy

  3. Thanks for the pictures, they were a great help. Just one point, when replacing the metal shaft, the screw at the end with the spring should not be fully tightened. If you do the laser will probably not move along it with minimum resistance and you will get a read error. Just tighten the screw right up and then untighten sufficiently such that the laser moves freely. With the cable connected and the white plastic gear not in place, push the laser to the extreme ends of its travel, the laser should move back slightly due to the spring in the cable. Do this at both ends to check for free movement.

  4. Excellent contribution here...Thanks!
    Have Cyrus CDXT SE+...with same problem.
    It too has the SF-HD850 as chips!
    Ridiculous to think such a cheap component can be so key to a £1000+ bit of kit. Good old Cyrus!!!
    Have ordered complete mechanism...along with a spare laser...for the princely sum of £17.50...and am keen to get on.
    A does the wider ribbon cable dis-connect from the laser it held in place by 2xtiny screws that can be seen from 'above'?
    Don't want to force anything here :)
    Thanks may have saved me more than £280!!
    (Currently, Cyrus repair is £300)

    1. Hello, may I ask where did you buy the complete mechanism? I have a cd6se, probably is the same. Thank you!

    2. Here is the ebay link for these lasers

  5. Looks like I have the same issue, I have to played a CD on my unit for over 10 months due to work and kids. Tried this weekend CD loads and then keeps saying NO DISC. Tired 10 or 15 times without success. Will keep trying a few more goes then will be hassling Cyrus about this as we have hardly used it the whole time we have had the player. The old Mission Cyrus 16 Bit Dac unit still works dragged it out the garage!! I am shocked to see so many issue people are havin.

  6. Hellos I’m just trying this as I type but unsure of where the small plastic clip is for the removal of the gear wheel ?

  7. Hello
    i'm french and i don't speak english well
    I can't find the complete laser block dear FARMEL's link no longer works
    Where to find this ??
    Thanks for your help

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. thank you
    I found the one I ordered
    I hope it will be good !!!

  10. Successfully replaced the laser on my CD6SE but i still have the occasional skipping problem.
    The plastic clip is the small blue circle on the top of white gear. It's made of thin but very flexible plastic and actually has a split across it. A very fine screwdriver will lever it off.
    The cable connector is also a bit strange. The black clip needs a small screwdriver to gently lever it back half a mm. Then the cable slides out and leaves the clip behind.
    I found i need to back off the sprung screw on the rail by almost half a turn. First attepmpt with quarter turn was a disc error.
    However, after all that it still skipped first time through track 1. Any other suggestions? It played fine 2nd time through though...

  11. Now I'm sitting very close to the player (surrounded by screw drivers) i can hear a slight regular ticking sound (4 times a second ish). It's more mechanical sounding on track 1 and much softer on the last track (of an 80 minute CD). Is that normal or do i need to maybe tighten/loosen that rail a bit?
    Hoping the 'trying lots of CDs' trick will help as well...
